Tools in the Cloud

13 03 2010

Here is the link for the “Tools in the Cloud” power point.

Tools in the Cloud pdf on Google Docs

Please let me know if you have any questions!

To share…

3 01 2010

While grading papers during semester exams, I was listening to the kids in class talk.  They were talking about Christmas and about who was hoping to get what technology as a gift.  It made me realize how much times have really changed.  As we enter this new decade, mobile computing (like that performed on iPods and cell phones) has really blossomed.  Since I’ve always been a techie kind of person, I have enjoyed following the trends of new technology.  While the 00’s was really a decade of the web, I think the 10’s are really going to be a decade of mobile computing.  To that end, I’ve set up this blog to focus on the mobile applications (apps), web-sites, and blogs that provide useful information for organizing life and exploring science.  This blog is geared toward my students – mostly the high school ones, but the college ones will find useful information as well.  I’ll try to post every couple of days, so it’s best to set up an RSS feed on Google Reader or to sign up to receive updates by email.  I’m not sure if I’m going to post homework assignments on here, I’ll wait and ask the kids if they would find that useful.  Homework assignments will still be posted on my website calendar at   As far as comments, right now the comment threads are open, but any abuse of the comments will cause them to be shut down and/or the comment abuser banned from further commenting.  Please be respectful in your comments so this can be a good resource for everyone 🙂